Dear parishioners and friends of SVDP,
As you know, each year the San Francisco Archdiocese assesses each parish with a monetary figure that helps fund the work of the Catholic Church and Cathedral in greater San Francisco. This is money that we as a parish send directly to the Archdiocese and is above and beyond your weekly envelope/tithing. This year, SVDP’s assessment is [ ] and we must meet this goal before 12/31/2025.
To help, you can:
1.) Use the donation link below.
2.) Put a check in the Sunday Collection, please put “2025 AAA” in the memo line.
3.) Contact the Parish Office at (415) 922-1010.
Fr. Arturo Albano, Pastor
For more information, please visit the San Francisco Archdiocese website:
Link to 2024 AAA Campaign